Workforce System Technical Assistance Collaborative (“Next Level Now”)


The DOL Workforce System Technical Assistance (TA) Collaborative (also known as Next Level Now (NLN)) provides strategic, short- and long-term TA to state and local public workforce system entities to improve service quality and outcomes for job seekers and employers. In addition to proactive TA, the NLN Collaborative responds in real-time to emergent TA requests from state and local workforce development boards, state workforce agencies, and one-stop partner programs in coordination with federal and regional DOL representatives to improve the delivery of customer services and programs. Training, coaching, and TA focus on five workforce categories: 1) economic recovery, 2) fiscal, programmatic, and operational strategies, 3) performance and results, 4) sector partnerships and employer engagement, and 5) Workforce Innovative Opportunity Act (WIOA) implementation and modernization.

Safal has developed comprehensive, system-wide TA strategies, increasing the workforce system’s efficacy, performance, and efficiency, as well as customized strategies for specific states and localities; provided TA to individual WIOA Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service grantees experiencing an acute challenge, in consultation with ETA; created an online WorkforceGPS community of practice; facilitated peer-to-peer learning; developed summaries of best practices on implementation of evidence-based practices; and assisted WIOA grantees in conducting participant and employer outreach, program implementation, and partnership building.


Agency Name: U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA)

Agency Type: Federal

Key Activities
Technical Assistance, Training, and Coaching
Needs Assessment and Evaluation
Community of Practice
Data Analysis and Visualization
Website Design
Instructional Design
Contact us
If you have something you’d like to teach us, ask us, or partner with us on, reach out.