Safal is a Texas-based small business initially launched to create good outcomes for K-12 students. That commitment has not changed. Today, we work at the federal, state, and local levels to enhance educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. Our team of educators, administrators, workforce professionals, and data experts offers clients field experience, domain expertise, proven strategies, and tech tools to create innovative and effective solutions.
What We Do
Safal provides clients with deep expertise and customized solutions to improve student outcomes by:
Ensuring students have high-quality materials in every subject, in every classroom – Safal helps states execute systems for evaluating and adopting high-quality instructional materials to drive student success.
Expanding and strengthening support for parents – We support states in strategic planning and development of targeted resources for outreach and engagement with parents and families.
Improving teacher recruitment and retention – We leverage unique education and workforce expertise to help state and local education systems create and implement strategies to build a strong teacher pipeline, reduce turnover, and support teacher development.
Expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) & Career Pathways – Safal leverages its deep workforce expertise to help state and local K-12, CTE, and post-secondary leaders create and expand programs to provide students with the industry-required skills and knowledge for high-growth careers.
Managing Grants, Supporting Grantees – We support new or expanded grant programs through streamlining grant applications, performance monitoring and compliance, and ensuring efficient, transparent, and accountable use of funds.
Facilitating Data-Driven Decision Making – Safal creates customized data tools to evaluate programs, analyzes data to inform policy and program decisions, and produces data visuals and reports to disseminate findings to a variety of audiences and scale application.
Supports Integration of Technology-Enabled Learning – We help clients create and implement responsible plans for tech and AI-enabled tools that accelerate student learning and improve operational efficiency.
Demonstrated Success
Safal has executed innovative, efficient solutions for state, local, and federal clients including:
Efficiently executed a transparent process to support Texas State Board of Education and Texas Education Agency in the Instructional Materials Review and Approval initiative
Safal, in partnership with Texas’s State Board of Education (SBOE) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA), facilitated implementation of the state’s instructional materials review and adoption process to meet state-mandated requirements that districts have access to high-quality instructional materials.
Result – Recruited and trained over 1,500 qualified Texas educators to serve as reviewers, facilitated the use of SBOE approved rubrics, and managed multiple review cycles to evaluate instructional materials.
Result – Developed more than 80 comprehensive reports detailing the quality of materials reviewed, accessible through a web portal, to guide districts in selecting high-quality instructional materials.
Developed guidance for districts on school improvement strategies through the Center for School Actions
In partnership with TEA's Region 13 Education Service Center, Safal developed resources, workshops, and guidance materials for districts implementing school improvement strategies, focusing on enhancing educational outcomes.
Result – Raised awareness and expanded use of materials across regional education service centers and school districts.
Result – Increased district adoption of resources by coordinating efforts with technical assistance providers to provide consistent support.
Serving children and youth experiencing homelessness
Safal leads the National Center for Homeless Education to support the consistent interpretation of federal requirements and implement homeless education programs effectively across states through tailored services, training, and sustainable program management.
Result – Customized support to 53 grantees across the nation with training and assistance to ensure consistent interpretation of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
Result – Support program compliance through collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reporting data and improve the quality of data submissions for homeless education programs.